
I have been an Australian secondary high school commerce teacher of some 20+yrs and an award winning Bird Photographer for over a decade. My work has been shown in premier bird photography competitions including Australia's Birdlife Photography Award and International Bird Photographer of The Year (BPOTY). I have spent nearly half my life teaching others about my love for the natural world. I have had a long love of native West Australian flora in particular terrestrial orchids, and of course Australian birds and bird photography.
I shoot a variety of bird photography genres from birds in flight to birds in their landscape but I am particularly known for my unique characteristic style of bird portraiture with its characteristic pin sharp eye and feather detail, shallow depths of field and naturally composed clean clear complementary backgrounds.
I shoot with Nikon photography gear exclusively and have done so my whole career. I currently shoot a combination of DSLR and Mirrorless cameras; D850 and Z9. I shoot a combination of Nikkor telephoto and prime lenses with my primary workhorse being the 600mm f4 FL Ed VR mounted on a Really Right Stuff TVC34-L Tripod and Mongoose 3.2 gimbal.
I edit my shots using a range of software but the three primary pieces of software are Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic and Topaz DeNoise AI. I do not artificially create bird backgrounds, all my work is captured in the field with patience and careful composition.
While most portrait photographers stage perches and lure birds with food and lures, I instead try to capture birds on their natural perches in the field and use a combination of natural environmental features to lure birds and careful technique to get close enough.

My Mission
To reveal the hidden beauty of Australian birds through bringing the details to my viewers.
What we do not appreciate we do not respect or protect.